Debunk the Top 5 Myths Around Root Canal Treatment

3 stage illustration of decaying tooth in need of root canal treatment

Debunk the Top 5 Myths Around Root Canal Treatment

By:    |   Published March 27, 2017

Ask anyone you know what they think about root canal treatment and you might hear all kinds of stories and warnings. Root canals, also known as root canal therapy, can give some people anxiety!

The reality is that modern procedures for root canal treatment are relatively pain-free, and most patients that need them are surprised to find it’s not much different from having a cavity filled. Let’s tackle some of the most common root canal myths out there.

Myth #1: Root Canal Treatment is Extremely Painful

This is the most common myth surrounding the root canal procedure. Root canal treatment isn’t painful, in fact, root canal treatment RELIEVES pain! Inflammation or infections can cause severe pain, and without a root canal procedure, this pain will only get worse. Today’s advancements in technology and anesthetics give you the relief you need without causing discomfort during the procedure. You’re more likely to be told that root canals are painful by those that have never had them versus those that have!

Myth #2: Root Canal Treatment Can Cause Other Illnesses

Way back in the 1920s, an individual named Dr. Weston Price spread this information to promote another, much more serious procedure: tooth extraction. This resulted in years of unnecessary tooth extractions and one very pervasive myth. No modern scientific evidence supports this idea. Surprisingly, the myth continues to spread despite Dr. Price’s peers refuting these claims through the years following his research.

It is true that bacteria exists in the mouth, and periodontal disease can affect your overall health, however, the existence of bacteria doesn’t necessarily mean you need to worry about an infection. All mouths have a level of bacteria that the body’s immune system will take care of regularly. Endodontic treatment is designed to remove infection and bacteria as well as preventing reinfection of the tooth following the procedure.

Speaking of tooth extractions…

Myth #3: Pulling the Tooth (Tooth Extraction) Is A Viable Alternative to A Root Canal Procedure

While there are some circumstances that might make tooth extraction a consideration, it is in no way an alternative to endodontic therapy. Removing a tooth is a very serious procedure.

Root canal treatment not only will not only help save your teeth, but it will prevent you from the additional appointments that are necessary with tooth extractions. Implants, bridges, or any other alternatives to replacing an extracted tooth tend to be more expensive and require much more of your time.

Myth #4: Root Canals Only Offer Short Term Benefits

It’s not uncommon to hear stories about individuals that had root canals, followed by breaking of the affected tooth months later. While these stories aren’t false, it’s not the root canal procedure that failed – it’s the fault of the restoration process!

Root canal therapy removes the blood supply inside the tooth, causing it to become less hardy over time. For most teeth, this means a crown is required following the procedure. You can find out more about dental crowns on our website. Proper restoration and protection means your root canal therapy will benefit you for years to come

Myth #5: Root Canals Are Only Necessary If You Experience Severe Tooth Pain

Many patients that eventually receive root canals may not consult a health care professional for days or weeks after noticing pain or discomfort. However, it is possible to have little to no noticeable discomfort and still need the procedure. In some cases, the problem tooth is dead and therefore you will experience no pain, but still need a root canal to prevent infection.

Here Are Some Symptoms That Might Mean It’s Time to Visit an Oral Health Professional:

  • Severe tooth pain (often when applying pressure to the tooth, such as during chewing)
  • Prolonged sensitivity or prolonged dull aches in a tooth
  • Lingering pain from heat or cold
  • Tooth discoloration
  • Discomfort or swelling in the gums

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Experiencing Tooth Pain? We Can Help!

The dental professionals at Schmakel Smile Design can answer your questions and guide you towards the ideal treatment plan for your oral health. Make an appointment or call us at (419) 841-9494. You can also find more information about root canals on our website!

We are proud to be your dentist in Toledo, near Sylvania. For more information about what we do, contact Schmakel Smile Design:

Phone: (419) 841.9494

E-mail: [email protected]


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